Oak Field, in the heart of the community.
Together Everyone Achieves More!
Our Oak Field Vision, Mission and Values:
Our School Mission Statement:
Together Everyone Achieves More
Our Vision:
We are a community school in the heart of Gibbonsdown - Barry. We are committed to ensuring our families and staff to grow in confidence, independence, resilience and knowledge, so that all flourish and achieve their full potential, while developing a life-long love of learning and of the world around us. We work together with families and across our community to foster positive relationships, supporting each other and acknowledging that Together Everyone Achieves More.
We aim to be a safe, nurturing school, who offers an inspiring broad and balanced curriculum, educating the whole child; supporting them to become ambitious capable learners, enterprising and creative contributors, ethically and informed citizens who are healthy and confident contributors ready to lead a fulfilling life as a valued member of society.
Our Oak Field children:
Feel valued as individuals.
Are a part of a community that promotes positive interpersonal relationships with peers and adults.
Are healthy and confident contributors, with a good understanding of physical health and emotional well-being.
Have the knowledge and social skills to succeed and contribute as valued members of society.
Have the confidence, enthusiasm and self-belief to achieve, be creative and participate in new experiences.
Have the curiosity and passion to problem-solve, persevere, take risks and be aspirational and ambitious learners.
Have a sense of social responsibility that enables them to be team players, great friends, and ethically informed citizens.
Oak Field Primary:
Is a child centred environment where children are supported to enjoy and to achieve; to be healthy, resilient and assertive; to participate and to be socially and environmentally aware; and to look to their future with optimism and purpose.
Is an inclusive and supportive school that is open and welcoming to families and promotes a partnership approach to children’s learning and well-being.
Is a reflective environment where children and staff are continuously developing and improving so that we can inspire each other every day.
Is a place where everyone is a learner – staff, children and families.
Provides a firm foundation from which our children grow.
Our Behaviours - Our Oak Field Deal:
At Oak Field Primary School education is our passion. We believe in the intrinsic worth of every individual and that there is nothing the children and adults in our community cannot achieve. We are committed to:
Being safe – Keeping ourselves safe and those around us safe with everything we say and do.
Being Respectful – Treating each other as we would like to be treated.
Being Kind – To ourselves and each other. Always. We will never regret it.
Talking, Talking and Talking! – Talking to each other and trust each other – being HONEST always.
Listening, listening and listening! – Listening carefully and be supportive of one another.
Be ourselves – Being honest and true to ourselves, and be proud of who we are.
Accepting one another – showing empathy, tolerance and understanding of our similarities and differences – being FAIR, being fair does not mean that everyone is treated the same.
Being a family – Our Oak Field family – Together Everyone Achieves More! When it goes wrong, we will be RESTORTIVE and seek to mend any differences, so we are stronger together.
Being our best – Be our best selves every day.
Being proud – Hold our heads up high and love ourselves! – ‘We are Oak Field, We are proud!’.